Role of the Member/Manager
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation serves as the sole member/manager of Noble Research Institute, LLC, an Oklahoma, nonprofit single-member limited liability company.
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation provides the leadership for Noble Research Institute to carry out its charitable purposes, act as a good steward of its resources, and conduct and support its activities in accordance with the vision of founder Lloyd Noble. The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation further directs management to formalize and implement Noble Research Institute’s strategic plan.
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, as the member/manager of Noble Research Institute, and the employees of Noble Research Institute acknowledge and agree that the following principles apply to our association with and the activities we conduct on behalf of Noble Research Institute:
- Noble Research Institute exists because of the vision and generosity of our founder, Lloyd Noble.
- We are stewards of the resources and the vision of Lloyd Noble.
- Our conduct will be fair and honest, and our activities will adhere to the purposes for which Noble Research Institute was established.
Corporate Documents
The organization’s current articles of organization and operating agreement can be found at
Annual Internal Revenue Service Informational Return
Noble Research Institute, LLC annually files a 990-PF informational return with the Internal Revenue Service. Noble Research Institute’s current 990-PF may be downloaded at Historical returns for Noble Research Institute are available at
Institutional Donor list
Greater than $5,000
The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
Kirkpatrick Foundation
Georgia Pecan Nursery
Less than $5,000
Alexis Carter-Black
Brent Keck
Oklahoma FFA Foundation
Orscheln Farm & Home
Leadership Team
Steve Rhines
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Elizabeth Aldridge
Corporate Secretary and
Executive Assistant to the President
Hugh Aljoe
Director of Producer Relations
J. Adam Calaway
Director of Communications
and Public Relations
Charlie Canny
Director of Facilities
Melanie Davis
Director of Enterprise Systems
and Informatics
Gayle Donica
Director of Human Resources
Jeff Moen
General Counsel and
Director of Government Affairs
Michael Udvardi, Ph.D.
Chief Scientific Officer
A. Jill Wallace
Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer
Governing Body — The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
The governing body acts and carries out its duties and responsibilities through its board of directors:
D. Randolph Brown, Jr., M.D.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Susan Brown, Chair
Dallas, Texas
James Day
Fort Worth, Texas
Sam DuBose*
Atlanta, Georgia
Vivian Noble DuBose
Atlanta, Georgia
Bill Goddard
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Ginger Heckman
Atlanta, Georgia
Jessie Nance
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Cody Noble
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Russell Noble
Ardmore, Oklahoma
Marianne Rooney
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Lars Noble*
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Patrick Rooney*
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Jack Waldo
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Stephen F. Young
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
*Advisory Member
Steve Rhines
President and CEO
J. Adam Calaway
Rachael Davis
Graphic Designer
Courtney Leeper
Writer/Copy Editor
Rob Mattson
Tim Woodruff
Web Version
Sarah Richardson
Financial Report
Shannon Steele
Donor Report
Noble Research Institute, LLC
2510 Sam Noble Parkway
Ardmore, OK 73401
