Make a positive impact on your land, livestock, livelihood – and legacy.

Join the movement toward regenerative land management for a more sustainable and more profitable future.


To save our nation’s grazing lands by promoting land stewardship through management,
building soil health and keeping farmers and ranchers on the land.

You can leave your land better than you found it and ensure a thriving ranching operation for generations.

We equip ranchers and farmers, like you, with the knowledge and support needed to be profitable today while ensuring you leave a legacy for tomorrow.

cowboy next to truck

Begin improving your land, grazing and business.

Our educational courses provide you with the skills you need to monitor and enhance soil health, implement strategic livestock grazing practices, and make well-informed financial decisions that contribute to the success of your operation.

Noble Land Essentials

in-person workshop


Learn to harness the power and potential in your soil for better forage, better livestock, and better returns.

Noble Grazing Essentials

in-person workshop


Get on the right path to increased profits, healthier livestock, and more resilient grazing lands.

in-person workshop


Learn how combining smart business skills with real-world ranching strategies can make you more profitable.

in-person workshop

Business of

Learn the necessary skills and strategies to optimize your grazing operations for increased profitability.

Noble has really opened my eyes to what we can do on our ranch. I’m excited to take this management back to my ranch in Texas. It just blows me away what regenerative ranching can do to regenerate the soil and the grasses.”


I would recommend [these courses] to anybody that is thinking about getting into [regenerative grazing]. I’ve been to different states trying to learn the regen stuff, and when I saw this pop up, it was a must that I had to come.”


I feel much more qualified to figure out — within just a few minutes — the things that I want to know. And I feel much more comfortable now doing different types of tests on my own.”


Noble's Mission and Long-Term Goals

Noble Research Institute is the nation’s largest independent agricultural research organization focused on guiding farmers and ranchers to regenerate America’s grazing lands — over 654 million acres nationwide.

Our goals by 2040 are:


acres transitioned to regenerative management


farmers and ranchers who are implementing the six principles of soil health


of farmers and ranchers meeting
their financial goals

Grow stronger communities, better food, and a more sustainable future for us all.

Since its founding in 1945, Noble Research Institute has guided farmers and ranchers as they steward our nation’s grazing lands and provide food and fiber for families — their own and those beyond the farm gate.

Healthy soil is the foundation for thriving grazing lands and profitable farms and ranches.

The benefits are far-reaching including:

Increased water holding capacity for flood and drought resilience.

Nutrient-dense forages that reduce supplemental feed costs.

Natural pest and disease suppression to reduce chemical inputs.

Higher rates of carbon sequestration in the soil.

Enhanced biodiversity above and below the ground.

Increased water holding capacity for flood and drought resilience.

Nutrient-dense forages that reduce supplemental feed costs.

Natural pest and disease suppression to reduce chemical inputs.

Higher rates of carbon sequestration in
the soil.

Enhanced biodiversity above and below the ground.

When Less Is More: Building Soil Health Builds Resiliency

About 10 years ago, Cooper and Katie Hurst learned about the soil health principles and fully embraced them. Now, they no longer use synthetic fertilizer.

“Regenerative ranching has been the best thing we’ve ever done,” says Cooper.

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