Soil and Water Relationships
By understanding a little about the soil’s physical properties and its relationship to soil moisture, you can make better soil-management decisions.
By understanding a little about the soil’s physical properties and its relationship to soil moisture, you can make better soil-management decisions.
When buying land for cattle production, there are some unique characteristics to consider before signing a contract. These characteristics include: stocking rate, forage quality and type, soil type and fertility, terrain and slope of the land, water sources in each pasture, number of pastures and traps, working pen availability and condition, fence condition and type, and other infrastructure (overhead bins, interior roads, etc.) availability and condition.
Nutritionists spend a lot of time discussing total digestible nutrients, minerals, crude protein and even various fractions of protein. However, we often take for granted the most important nutrient, the one required in the greatest amount by any class of livestock water.