How to Manage Fields for Attracting Mourning Dove
A well-managed dove field provides the satisfaction of seeing dozens or hundreds of dove.
A well-managed dove field provides the satisfaction of seeing dozens or hundreds of dove.
While sitting and waiting for mourning doves to fly by during hunting season, I find myself thinking about the journey these birds have embarked on and from where they have come. More times than I would like to admit, I think about the birds I missed and where they are going. For this article, I’ll discuss mourning dove migration, focusing on the south-central portion of the United States, starting with the breeding stage.
Mourning dove is the most abundant dove species, the most abundant game bird and one of the most abundant songbirds in southern Oklahoma and northern Texas. Many people enjoy watching, feeding, photographing and hunting mourning dove. More people hunt dove in Texas and Oklahoma than hunt any other game species except deer. Yet, it is surprising how few landowners and land managers manage for dove.
Mourning dove must drink water on a regular basis. During mild weather, dove do not have to drink every day, but they do not live longer than seven to 11 days without water. Hot temperatures and reproductive activities increase their water needs and decrease the amount of time they can live without water.